Saturday 15 February 2014

Homemade natural scrubs and uses of the amazing coconut oil :)

What a morning, yup I work on a Saturday .. But I love my job so it's ok :) omg so I just found out ANOTHER person in the family is pregnant ... Babies everywhere in my family at he moment! It's so cool :) 
I believe there will now be about 6 babies under 6months old at my wedding in November so that should be fun! I am really looking forward to it :)
Ok so today I was going to chat about natural products and how to use them on the outside of your body. 
Ok so sugar! It's great! .... For the outside of your body ...not so much the inside. .. 

Who doesn't love a homemade body scrub... If you went to a day spa and got a full body scrub it would probably cost you from $70 upwards! OR you can buy a fancy scrub for $50 but who wants to pay $50 for a body scrub when You can make one with the ingredients you probably already have in the pantry AND you know what's in it :) 

This one is my favourite and smells so fresh and yummy

It is a my strawberry sugar scrub just have to try and not eat it!


2 1/2 C Sugar granulated
1/4 cup of coconut oil (organic unrefined is best)
3-5 strawberries depending on size (just enough to smell it)


First up measure your sugar and pop it into a bowl and set aside.
Next measure out the coconut oil and put that in the microwave for 30 seconds to melt it to a liquid.(or move to Australia! Ours is often liquid lol) once this is liquid pour it over the sugar and mix it in.
Now squash your strawberries... In a bowl use a fork or chop up first..kind of make jam... Smash it till it's all pulpy and try not eat it!
Then mix that into the sugar, if you find it is to wet or not wet enough, add more sugar to make it more "scrub" like or add more strawberries to add more moisture.
It is all yours so make it to the consistency you like and voila!! All done :) pop it in a pretty jar, can use an old jam jar and make a pretty label for it. See attached pictures for ideas that I found around the web :) 
Now remember this could be done with lemon instead of strawberry, or lime or orange etc, fruits with vitamin c are best as it's good for your skin. You can add bits of herbs to spruce it fancy and add a bit of brown sugar to darken the colour. Play around with it and enjoy!
Now do please remember that the oil from the scrub can build up in the tub or shower so please make sure you clean it all away with hot hot water to make sure he next person or you don't slip over next time you use the shower.
Store this air tight. You can pop it In the fridge but it's not a must... It should last several weeks :) here is a picture of the lemon one :)


Now this next one is also a scrub but it is really good specifically for your face if you tend to go a bit red (which as a red head I do!) it has ginger in it (ironically lol) which has anti-inflammatory properties and easy on sensitive skin, also ginger is known to tighten skin and energise it also! 

Ginger sugar scrub for face and body


1/4 C Coconut oil
1tbsp Ginger fresh coarsely chopped
1/4 C Cold pressed Almond oil
3/4 C Granulated sugar
1/4 C Kosher salt 
1-4 drops of essential oil or essence. (I used vanilla essence) lemongrass is good too for waking you up if you'd do the scrub in the morning.


In a small saucepan heat coconut oil and ginger pieces for approx 5-10 minutes until ginger juice and scent has gone into the oil.
Remove from heat and press through a fine mesh sieve or coffee filter.
While the mixture is still warm mix with the almond oil.
Stir to combine and let it come down to room temperature.
Stir in sugar and salt.
Add essential oils.
And pop into a glass jar or container.

To use:- scrub onto damp skin and let sit for 2-4 minutes. Using a washcloth wet with warm water steam over face or stand in hot steamy shower for a minute. Using the wet washcloth wipe oil from face and repeat until all is off :)

Good thing about this one is you're less likely to want to eat it than the strawberry one! 
A 10 natural tips you can use coconut oil for... It is truly amazing stuff and had natural anti bacterial properties and healing properties :) and it's safe! You can eat it!

1. It is excellent at removing make up instead of harsh alcohol based wipes 
2. Use it as a moisturizer everywhere. I use it on  my legs after I've shaved or waxed them.. It stops that sting if you have sensitive skin like i do, and keep in mind a little goes a long way! can pop a few drops of eucalyptus oil in it to make your own vapour rub.
4. Eating one spoonful of it daily can help with thyroid function, improve digestion, boost your immune system and even help relieve migraines.
5. Soothes bug bites or stings
6. Add to bath water to have a ice moisturizing soak 
7.  Add to dogs water to freshen breathe and add to coat shine :)
8. Use on dry cuticles or cracked heels
9. Use it to moisture your nose if you have a cold or allergies 
10. Massage it into scalp and hair and a moisurizing treatment (get your partner to do this for you hehe so good!)

The list would truly go on and on and on... It's amazing stuff! If you font have any, invest!! It's at the supermarket :) get unrefined organic for the best quality.

Now I know I said I'd also chat about sugar and flour substitutes but I'll save that for next blog as this one is long lol one I'll also add a few gluten free recipes I've found ... Now that I'm gluten free this may happen a few times hehe love it!
Have a good day everyone 
Mon x

Friday 14 February 2014

Why you should Eat more often with less calories

So after weeks....actually Months of non movement of my weight I looked at my calories and boom 2 days later I have lost 1.7 kilos. Finally it's happening dress here I come!!

Now I have been more hungry since reducing my calories but not starving hungry, normal hungry ... As in I could eat but I'm not starving. . . It's an odd feeling but one I'm happy to get used to again to continue this Weightloss :) it's exciting!! Seeing the numbers makes it so much more real. 
Also when I fell like I'm hungry I drink water first cas sometimes it's just because I'm note or I'm actually thirsty. I have 2 glasses of water and wait like 15 minutes, if I'm still hungry I eat. I eat every 2-3 hours small amounts as I was finding if I eat only breakfast and lunch by mid morning I'm famished and looking for quick fixes all around me. BUT I push through and learnt my lesson to eat more often, be prepared for hunger attacks lol intake low calorie snacks ...which I've pre out into my days food the night before. If I eat them all at once that's it for the day. I'll have to wait till dinner. Arch is also pre determined. I do this each night, I plan the next days food. Some people do it on a Sunday and pre make all their meals and freeze them etc. ready for the week, this is a really really good idea of you are someone that gets home tired and then doesn't cook cas "it's been a long day" and end up having easy food or takeout.
Now if you do cook every night because you cook for more than just you.... Have a few frozen pre made meals for you in the freezer just incase you do make something easy for dinner or g takeout for everyone else but YOU should have the pre made made that meal for that reason...use it. Have things like this to fall back on that force you to stay in your regime. Another big thing I totally promote but at forts totally sux is portions.... I put my breakfast bowl on the scales every morn and weigh everything that goes into it one ingredient at a time... Now aft a while you'll just know, I often don't look till I've put enough in then check and it's usually spot on or a few grams out yay! So eventually you won't even think about it... You'll just know how much you see supposed to have :)  digital kitchen scales are an investment...get some :) I do believe I said that the other day but do do it. It's what has shown me I was overeating... 
The next entry into my blog will be about natural products... How be can do more with them than just eat them! You'd be surprised how many things in your pantry and fridge can be used on your skin in place of chemicals that are in the creams we buy... I also substitutes for sugar and flour will be part of this too :) 
See you then!
Have a fantastic day  hope you get spoilt...I made this card for my fiancĂ©... Hehe 

Thursday 13 February 2014


Ok so since finding out I've been eating too many calories my metabolism has exploded with working out first thing in the mornings and at night and im starving! Lol hmmm should probably have 5-6 small meals instead of having fewer higher calorie meals.... And this is now we plan :) so that will be me tonight planning for tomorrow so I'm not as hungry. 
Just thought I'd give you all an update with my findings ...also saw this recipe that made my tummy rumble even more! Maybe a weekend treat :) see added picture for recipe.

Not losing weight despite eating healthy and exercising? Read this!

Calorie intake is important!! 
Ok so the last few weeks I've been finding no matter how hard I work at the gym, no matter how healthy I eat I am still NOT losing weight, so I did a complete run over Everything I am doing and eating etc like I would for a client. For a few days I wrote down and measured everything I ate and all the workouts I did and discovered the reason I have not been able to budge my fat.... Yes I've been creating muscle but not losing fat so my eight has actually been going slightly up and down but staying within a 5kg frame without any constant down...always up and down :( so in frustration I was pedantic and really measure ALL of my food :) 
BAM! Found the problem.... So I know that nuts are healthy fats and high energy and working at the gym I always have a container of a mixture of nuts being Brazil nuts, almonds and walnuts.... Mainly brazil-nuts. Now what I discovered is a mere 6 brazil-nuts is MORE calories than 100grams of sweet potato! No way right? Way. So 100g of sweet potato is approx 86 calories... 6 Brazil nuts...approx 20g is a whopping 140 calories!!!
So my container of healthy energy in my bag has been holding me back... I've not taken nuts out of my daily eating Santa are really dense in calories but also nutrition, but I have been measuring them, having a few more almonds than brazilnuts but weighing them every evening for the day before to take to work. Within the day, did two high intensity workouts and next day have lost 400g hallelujah! Back on track. And sometimes this is all it can be... Remember energy in energy out,... If you have more going in than coming out then you will stay the same weight.... Or go up, thankfully although I'd increased my calories unknown to me... I was exercising at a higher intensity also so it's been sitting the same for a while.... So I'm quite excited the the decline is happening again and bring on July for my Nz visit and my wedding in November... My goal is to have abs by my wedding, and I will do it! Nothing standing in my way but me :)
So now a good app to use to track calories is fitness pal ... It's so good, it has every food you could want including brands, eg Paul newmans balsamic vinegar... It's all there :) ... It has all fruit, veggies and drinks etc. go for it, it asks you for your weight which you can put in also and it does a graph of it going up and down.... But only down from now on :) it can be a very small change to get you on track. If anyone gets stuck don't hesitate to message me as I am here to help everyone that needs it! Just remember to be strict... Measure measure measure.... After a few weeks you'll know how much of something is off by heart... I can put a few tablespoons of yogurt in a bowl now and know its 100g.  You will get the too, get some digital scales ...use eBay or trade me .. Don't have to spend a fortune... Mine were about $5AUD
Off eBay. And they work great! 
Ok guys so if you feel it's just not coming off despite your efforts, check the type of exercises you are doing and the food you are eating and we will get it on track. If you are feeling yucky it can also be a matter of missing out on certain vitamins or minerals... Go to a naturopath ... They can do tests for allergies and vitamin and mineral deficiency, as can your GP.
So dive in! Make it important to you because no one else will!!

Have a good day everyone and chat soon!

Also keep this quote in mind....

Monday 10 February 2014

How to actually rise and shine - tips on being a morning person

I am so sorry guys! I missed out Sunday lol 
Maybe the blog will need to start being weekly I think.....
I LOVE writing it but am running out of time loving my job and getting fitter :p
Priorities people! Speaking of priorities.. Having my new found love of working I have found that I'm needing to organise myself better, decide what's important and learn to to say no. I am running my own business and it's sire fun but I didnt ralize how scattered I make my scheduling... SO the first thing I have learned is you need to get up! My philosophy has always been if I start work at 12 I'll get up at 11 lol then I've still worked all day ...hmmm not productive... If you get up at the same time everyday you can get things done! And it's awesome... I'm not a morning person but keep reading and find out how you become one :)
I have tried a few of these myself on days that I don't "have" to get up and they are quite good! Yes sometimes I still like to sleep in .... But make it once every 2 weeks ....not very second day lol I used to do Sundays but then I run out of weekend too quick! So moving on.... Different things will work for different people... Try them out and see how you go!

What's the first thing you do once you actually get up.... Most people do a big stretch! That's great! And will help you get that blood flowing to your brain to greet the day.... Now imagine how good you'd feel in the morning if you spent time stretching? Say like a 15-20 minute wake up yoga class... Do it naked in your living room if you feel the need ...there are plenty of YouTube yoga classes... Free and In the comfort of your own home... Why not! :) the stretches feel really good which is also good incentive to get out of bed. Now is say yoga would be for people who like to ease into the day... Where as the opposite might wake up and need a bit of bounce.... ... I want everyone who reads this to try this at least once's surprising how fun it is hehe literally JUMP out of bed...yup, bounce out of bed.... Don't pull a muscle lol that's no fun but get up with a spring and have fun with it...then once you're up and pumping pop on some upbeat music.... Yes the stuff you'd hate anyone to hear you sing... Weather it be Disney or Michael Jackson... Get into it! Get your good mood on and greet the day with a smile :)

The next tip I'd give would to be drink water! I know the first thing everyone wants to drink in the morning is coffee's got water in it right? .... It's not the same... Coffee does not hydrate you. Water'd be surprised what it will do for you all day... Just by being hydrated first thing in the morning, you are unlikely to get dehydrated later on which is obvious but not something we are thinking of walking to the kitchen like a zombie grunting I want coffee... Lol

The first thing that comes to mind when light hits me in the morning is aaahhhh I'm melting! Lol....  Damn witch movies as a kid... BUT having curtains that are not black out curtains is a good thing ... We want the natural light to come in to wake you up ..get all up in it! Open those windows when you wake up. Sun exposure helps the body produce vitamin D, which is important for good health. It also boosts serotonin levels, which can improve mood for the day.. boom! Already had vitamins and having even left your room yet :)

Have A Reason To Rise. This is the single most important element in being an early riser. So, before hitting the sheets, crystallize the reasons for getting up the next morning  (and write them down if it helps!). 

Sleep Well. Your body is trying to tell you something if you constantly feel tired during the day. So, trade in that last hour spent Facebook stalking and get into bed. If that’s still not cutting it (heck, we all know that sleeping longer doesn’t necessarily translate to sleeping better), and you find you are still tired after 6-8 hours, chances are you’re not sleeping well. To ensure a well-rested night’s sleep, make sure you have a good mattress and pillow and give yourself time to unwind before bed.

Banish SNOOZE. Everyone is tempted by that little voice telling us to hit “snooze.” But we’ve learned the hard way that this little voice rarely has anything good to say, so don’t indulge! Sleeping in for another 10 minutes is guaranteed to lead to another 10 minutes and then another… and we all know where this ends! So, the next time you hear that little voice, just say “No” and…

Jump Out Of Bed. Immediately. It's true... Them you're unlikely to stay in bed if you literally jump out of it .. As we talked about earlier :)

Get into a Routine .Consistent routine is essential for becoming an early riser. Try to go to sleep and wake up at same time everyday (even on days you don’t have to) in order to train your body. Warning: the first few weeks are going to be tough, but it will eventually pay off!

Reward Yourself. Waking up early can be hard and, while having a purpose is a good start, it isn’t always enough. Come on, are you really going to get up early to work on a budget report? So, reward yourself! Your reward can be anything from reading your current book, doing your nails or even before work to have time to buy a cappuccino at your favorite cafĂ©.

Note The Consequences. 
Remind yourself of the downsides of sleeping in. For us, losing that time in the morning can significantly impact our entire week. So remind yourself no only of the perks of being, all up and perky in the morning – but also the downsides of sleeping in like feeling sluggish and not getting things done.

Well speaking of which it is my bed time and I am getting up in the morning to greet the day... I may ever JUMP out of bed... Although if I can... after the workout I did today it may not be able to be done lol 

Goodnight all and I shall blog soon. I shall endeavour to do it at least once a week.
Thanks for reading 

Sunday 9 February 2014

Day four.... Superfoods and some healthy recipes to try

Today....Superfoods! And a couple of yum receipts that you're can eat without guilt! But please everything in moderation :)

Ok so not all foods were created equal - some are so packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and other beneficial substances that they've been deemed "superfoods".

Superfoods have incredible health benefits, packing a powerful nutritional punch that helps protect against cancer and heart disease, lower cholesterol, protects our organs from toxins and improves our digestive health. Some nutritionists even say superfoods can help you live longer! I'm up for that!

Here are 10 superfoods that can supercharge your diet, including fruits, vegetables, dairy, legumes, grains and fish.

Acai: This exotic berry from the Amazon has been the subject of intense hype, but there's a good reason why it's so trendy. Named by famed nutritionist Nicholas Perricone as his number one superfood and one of the most powerful foods in the world, acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) contains a remarkable concentration of antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. It's considered one of nature's best offerings to combat premature aging thanks to its high monounsaturated oleic acid content. Oleic acid helps omega-3 fish oils penetrate cell membranes, making them more supple.

Yogurt: It's alive! Yogurt contains active cultures known as "friendly bacteria" that restore healthy balance in the digestive system. Among the most well-known cultures is Lactobacillus acidophilus, which passes through the stomach and populates the intestines, helping the body fight off infection. One cup contains 50 per cent more calcium than the same size serving of milk, and it's also full of potassium, riboflavin, magnesium and phosphate! BOOM! Superfood all round.

Broccoli of knew it would be here :) This tree looking vegetable is loaded with vitamin C, folic acid and carotenoids, which are packed with vitamin A and can protect your cells from the damage of free radicals (nasties), enhance immune system function and improve reproductive health. Just one serving (1 medium stalk) provides 175 per cent of the recommended daily value of vitamin K, which helps build strong bones and plays an important role in blood clotting. Just half a cup of broccoli per day is also said to help prevent a number of cancers, particularly cancers of the lung, colon, rectum and stomach wow awesome :) why not eat it! Just ensure you don't cook it at temperatures over 40 degrees peeps! Because once it goes over that it kills the vitamin C :(

Lentils: Among the most nutritious legumes, lentils are a great source of cholesterol-lowering fibre and lean protein. They've got lots of iron and B vitamins and are very filling, yet low in calories. Folate and magnesium are also good for your heart and improve the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. .... See following for a lentil recipe since no one ever knows how to eat them lol because it's soooo not soup season at the moment!

Sweet potatoes: They'll satisfy your craving for carbs! but are far healthier than their white, nutritionally lacking buddies white potatoes and away nicer! Carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium and fibre are just a few of the benefits of eating this savoury-sweet veggie, which has been put up to be one of the highest vegetables on the best nutrition scale. Sweet potatoes can help stabilise blood sugar, making them a great choice for diabetics, and are relatively low in calories... Excellent to add a few bits to a simple salad if they a getting boring while giving you an energy boost without the guilt of breads and refined carbs. Also excellent if you are gluten free!

Blueberries: Mmmmmmm yum! Hidden within the juicy, deep blue-purple flesh of this tasty fruit is cancer-fighting ellagic acid, an antioxidant that has been proven in laboratory research to slow the growth of some cancerous tumours. Blueberry extracts have also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and help prevent infectious bacteria from clinging to the walls of the gut, bladder and urethra.
Keep them up ....add them to oats for breakfast or pop a punned in your bag for an afternoon snack :) nom nom.

Wild salmon: please note when buying salmon it is wild caught, not farmed...sooo much better for you :) did you know that some farmed salmon gets fed red dye so that it looks brighter in packets at the supermarket! It doesn't need to be labelled on the packet because it's not ADDED to the food once it's been killed. So brighter color if farmed is usually a bad thing not good. Packed with omega-3 fats, wild salmon can help reduce the risk of sudden-death heart attacks and contains lots of vitamin D and selenium for healthy hair, skin, nails and bones. Also Wild salmon can be eaten without fear of mercury or other contaminants as it's more nutritionally rich than farmed salmon. Consume two to four servings a week for the most benefits.

Goji berries: They've been called the most nutritionally dense food on Earth, and they taste something like salty raisins. Lycium barbarum, commonly known as goji berries, contain more vitamin C than oranges, more beta carotene than carrots and more iron than steak. The dried Himalayan fruit is also a great source of B vitamins and antioxidants and contains 15 amino acids. Goji has been used medicinally in China for centuries to improve blood circulation, strengthen the limbs, improve eyesight, protect the liver, increase libido and boost immune function. Whew!! That's amazing! These are generally pretty hard and dried in packets so soak in water or add to curries, baking or stews :) use them as you would raisins.if you can add them do it! After reading this why wouldn't you?

Kale: my favourite...(not for flavour but cas I know how good it is for me when I eat it) A dark, leafy green in the same vegetable family as broccoli and brussels sprouts, kale contains high amounts of beta carotene, iron and folate. It's also a low-calorie, low-carb source of protein that's packed with fibre, which improves digestive health and helps you feel full. A small cupful of cooked kale provides more than half the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, bit once again please don't cook over 40degrees.... Vitamin C dies at 40degrees :(

Barley: This low-glycemic grain is high in both soluble and insoluble fibre, which help the body metabolise fats and promote a healthy digestive tract, respectively. Eating hulled barley on a regular basis is said to lower blood cholesterol levels, protect against cancer and keep blood-sugar levels stable. Barley is rich in niacin, vitamin E, lignans and phytochemicals that function as antioxidants.
Soaking these In water...adding to salads...on soups and in stews or curries.... Add to stir-fry after pre cooking as they will stay hard if you throw them straight me lol cook them alone first.... Boiling them is fine.

So now we will be here forever if I go over all the superfood there are Egg, great for B vitamins and most others too,... Remember egg is made to build a living thing,,, it has everything to start life in it.... FULL of goodness :)
Also avocado, spinach, Ginger, Garlic, turmeric, black beans, almonds, walnuts, oranges, kiwi fruit, grapes apples... And the list will go on, but the ones above just give you an idea on how much food can fill you with goodness and health if you're eating the right ones :) remember you are eating to fuel and nurture your body not just "eat that cas it's yum."

Ok now for a few recipes!
I'll stick with three... One for the lentils I spoke about before for people that have no clue what to do with them... A gluten free recipe for bead rolls and a sweet dessert that's healthy and yum! But still in moderation people ;)

Gluten free pumpkin bread :)

• 450g Organic Pumpkin
• 1 1/2 cups Almond Meal
• 1 1/2 cups gluten free Flour
• 2 tsp Gluten Free Baking Powder
• 1/2 tsp Salt
• 1 tbsp Cinnamon
• 4 Free range Eggs
• 1/4 cup Organic Coconut Oil
• 1 tbsp Rice Malt Syrup
• 1 Handful Pumpkin Seeds
• Preheat the oven to 180°C.

• Prepare the pumpkin, remove the skin and cut into small pieces. Steam the pumpkin pieces until soft, mash in a bowl and set aside to cool.

• In a large bowl, add the flour, almond meal, baking powder, salt and cinnamon and mix to combine.

• In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and add to the flour mix and mix to combine.

• Add the oil, rice malt syrup and mashed pumpkin and mix thoroughly to combine.

• Pour the mixture into a greased baking tin line the top with extra rice malt syrup before sprinkling with pumpkin seeds.

• Bake in the oven for 1 hour. Insert a skewer to see if it is cooked throughout. If the skewer does not come out clean, leave to cook for a further 20-30 minutes before finishing off under the grill. Be sure to keep an eye on it, inserting a skewer to ensure it is cooked.

You can add whatever you like to this also, herbs are a nice addition, oregano makes it a bit pizza like or maybe try rosemary or sweet basil :) It's all good!

Next recipe is a good post workout for an energy lift when you've used it all :) ..
It's raw and yum!  And has a bit of protein in it boost you're energy for longer and repair those damaged muscles...

Cherry almond coconut protein balls
Makes 18 servings


1 cup raw almonds
1 cup cottage cheese
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut
1/4 cup dried cherries, chopped


In a food processor, grind the raw almonds until a coarse powder forms. Add the cottage cheese, maple syrup, and cinnamon and mix until a paste forms.
In a separate bowl, mix the rolled oats, coconut, and cherries.
Add the wet ingredients to the bowl with the dry ingredients and mix well.
Form into 18 balls and place on a wooden cutting board lined with parchment paper.
Place in the freezer for at least 30 minutes.
Allow to thaw five minutes before eating.

Mmmmmm so good :)

Last but not least! Fritters!!
Now these have lentils in them

Zucchini lentil and feta fritters mmmmm yum
Makes 4 servings

400g can brown lentils, rinsed, drained
80ml (1/3 cup) milk
2 eggs
115g (3/4 cup) self-raising flour (gluten free if needed)
350g (about 3) zucchini, coarsely grated, excess moisture removed
125g basil pesto feta, crumbled
1/4 cup chopped fresh mint
60ml (1/4 cup) olive oil
3 roma tomatoes, thickly sliced
3 spring onions, pale section only, thinly sliced
Baby spinach leaves, to serve
Fresh mint leaves, to serve

Step 1
Use a fork to coarsely crush the lentils in a bowl. Whisk the milk and eggs in a bowl. Gradually whisk in flour until combined. Stir in lentils, zucchini, feta and chopped mint.
Step 2
Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in a large non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat. Drop three 60ml (1/4 cup) portions of the lentil mixture into the pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes each side or until golden and cooked through. Repeat, in 3 more batches, with the remaining lentil mixture.
Step 3
Meanwhile, combine the tomato, shallot and remaining oil in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Stir to combine. Divide the fritters, tomato mixture, baby spinach leaves and mint leaves among serving plates.

Eat up! These are high in protein and really good re all the lentil goodness we talked about before :) sooooo try these recipes ... Why not? They will be good for your health :) also with with fritters... Mix it up! Add stuff take stuff out...MADD mushroom or garlic... Or ginger and grated carrot :) use your imagination and go nuts :)
It's totally 11.57 so I made the blog in for the day hehe

Night night everyone!

Hope you enjoyed reading and love the recipes as much as I do

Friday 7 February 2014

The best proven way to increase fitness and lose fat the fastest!

Hi everyone!!

So I have a few people reading this which is pretty exciting!
Ok so I know I said I was doing turbofire for 20 days.... Ummm totally didn't read the schedule properly .... It's 20 weeks!!!!! BUT I am still going to do it daily because it's so much fun! I've done it twice so far and man it is intense and i LOVE it... It is so much fun! She makes it fun and intense ...
Today I did the first HIIT track and it killed! It's only 15 minutes but it is HIGH intensity .... HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training, and boy was it high intensity .... Basically for thirty seconds you jump squat, jump lunge, jumping jack touch the floor, spin etc ... For the full 30 seconds NO stopping....Then for the next 30 seconds you catch your breath then back into it... Full on but short and extremely effective! So this type of training

According to a studies HIIT increases the resting metabolic rate (RMR) for the following 24 hours due to excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, and may improve maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) more effectively than doing only traditional, long aerobic workouts.... So in human terms this means that because you puff so much while doing this and feel like your heart is going to pop out of your chest you have increased the the amount of oxygen you take in over at whole of the next 24 hours increases your metabolism WHICH BURNS FAT! So you can do an hour of jogging on the treadmill for an hour or push it hard for 15 minutes and actually burn MORE calories throughout the rest of the day unlike the run which your body adapts to and decreases everyday how much calories it burns.
Not only does it increase your metabolism .. It also literally burns fat with an increased chemical in your body that is produced from this type of training ... It's fax oxidisation keeps going (fat burning chemicals constantly burning fat) for upto 3 hours after the HIIT training! So trust me when I say you'll be STARVING when you do this type of training ... But good news is your body will be needing the food and burning the fat!

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE....HIIT also significantly lowers insulin resistance and causes skeletal muscle adaptations that result in enhanced skeletal muscle fat oxidation and improved glucose tolerance. Which in English is saying that you are less effected by sugar hits and having ups and downs in your energy levels throughout the day :)
Studies show that two weeks of HIIT can substantially improve insulin action in young healthy people.
In the Horizon documentary, Michael Mosley, a borderline diabetic, saw a 24% improvement in insulin sensitivity after 4 weeks of Timmons' 3x20-second HIIT regimen, exactly in line with Timmons' larger studies a group study called Gibala's reported a 35% increase in both insulin sensitivity and muscle oxidative capacity among seven sedentary people after just two weeks on the lower-intensity (but high for them) regimen. This response is due to HIIT using 80% of muscles in the body, compared to 40% for gentle jogging and cycling. Also GOOD NEWS!!!  In young women, HIIT three times per week for 15 weeks compared to the same frequency of steady exercise of jogging or low intensity exercise was associated with significant reductions in total body fat, subcutaneous leg and trunk fat, and insulin resistance. HIIT may therefore help to prevent type-2 diabetes :) yay!

According to a 2011 study presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, just 2 weeks of high-intensity intervals improves your aerobic capacity (fitness and stops you puffing like a dragon) as much as 6 to 8 weeks of endurance training! What!? That's amazing!

Now here is one for everyone that is feeling older than they are....This type of training PHYSICALLY Make us age slower... The fountain of youth is your sweat puddle! It's true!..... So In addition to increased fat burning and more muscle preserved....yes it does get better.... HIIT stimulates production of your human growth hormone (HGH) by up to 450 PERCENT!!! during the 24 hours after you finish your workout. This is great news since HGH is not only responsible for increased caloric burn but also slows down the aging process, making you younger both inside and out! Whoop!!!

Hmmm so let's get all of this straight.... I can work out for 15 minutes to half an  hour 3 times a week which causes me to be able to eat more food, burn more fat while not working out, get muscle definition/growth and look younger while significantly reducing my risks of diabetes and heart disease.... Hmmm why Isn't everyone doing it!?
To be honest I am not sure... But then it made me think why hadn't I done it before...because it's HARD! It is really hard... You sweat like a waterfall and it's very high intensity... But you can modify it and ease into it hard lol just because something isn't hard for one person it will be different for someone else... Running up a flight of stairs might be someone's warm up but another actual workout .. Do what works for you :)

A couple examples of HIIT training are Tabata or just coming up with your own circuit. It doesn't have to be complicated and you don't need any equipment, just dedication!
Tabata is on a timer, heaps of free apps available for this :) interval timers also.
So Tabata is set in 4 minute rounds where you do an exercise like a jump squat or push ups for a constant 20 seconds as fast and hard as you can go, then rest for 10 seconds... And this goes for 4 minutes. Then it continues... You can mix it up... So on the first 20 seconds do high knees where you are on the spot lifting each knee as high as you can to your chest. It's basically running on the spot but lifting the knees up HIGH.
Then rest for 10 secs then next move for the 20 seconds might be squat jump... So alternate the two exercises within the 4 minutes. Could mix it as 1 arm movement and 1 leg...that's the beauty of it! It's your workout so your rules! Make it fun, play music and JUMP! ... Jumping not for you? Then step... Step hard... Get a raised step or use stairs...up down up down quickly... Be creative :)
Need any advice don't hesitate to ask :)

Now PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep safe doing this... The only person that knows what your body can and can't do is you.... Keep it safe, keep your joints soft, not locked out and make sure you're staying hydrated.
This is not for the faint hearted so do ease into it. Do not back to back days with HIIT training... It is designed to only do it 3 times per week.... Fill the other days with 2 days of resistance training with weights and maybe 1-2 days of active recovery.... Which basically means rest but go for a swim or a walk.... Don't make it a "work out" but get that blood flow through your muscles as it will help them heal faster by detoxifying them through using them and getting rid of the lactic acid build up which is basically the reason for the sting the next day when you do something new. Tomorrow I'll be chatting about super foods you should be including in your everyday diet and a few yum recipes that are healthy versions of yummy treats :)

Over and out for me now but happy HIIT training! ....
Remember short, fast and push really hard! Give it 110%!

Have a good rest of your day!